Friday night and yesterday I made these. They are two mailers and a business card for a DJ in Worcester, MA. He's the brother of a guy my mother's friends with so even though I have projects to work on... I said I'd do it because she asked.
Tips for you future clients or anyone... please don't think you'll get a date with me because I'm working on your business cards. Asking me my height and what I like to do for fun won't help me when I'm trying to get information about your company. Asking whether I'm single and when I reject you or make a statement leaning toward a polite version of "It will never happen with you"... and responding "well we can still be friends"... will most likely just offend me to the point that I will never do a project for you again!!! If you're 50, 400 lbs, and have 5 children... be sure that I won't give you the option to make changes without astronomical fees... or most likely I'll just send you a disc of the printing files and not allow you to make changes. There's a difference from being friendly to being overly personal. Asking me how my day was while I write down your information is okay. Asking me to go to the movies with you is not. Grrrrrr wtf.