Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The yeti

The Yeti (abominable snowman)... my idea for a shirt design for Coors... this is the full frontal design with "Coors Light... got cold?" and the back would have a warning disclaimer "warning: your chances of an abominable snowman sighting will not increase with drinking Coors Light. If you see a hairy homosapien while drinking this icy beverage in nature, do not cause him or her harm. It may be an unfortunately hairy relative."

Cheesy... of course; but a lot of beer shirts are. The point is I made a yeti. I painted him in Photoshop.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

"Dark" the sneak peek!!! (contains a spoiler)

These are just a random few of the finished pages of my current project. For people who don't know I'm illustrating a children's book that a friend, Victoria Chang, wrote about a girl who's afraid of the dark and what she does to protect herself from the monsters in the Dark. Each page was first drawn out on paper, photographed (scanner wasn't big enough hahaha), and edited and painted digitally. Monsta (the little orange monster) is her guardian that she creates to basically be her knight (***spoiler allert***... I'm awful :P). Tory designed him to be orange and purple so I chose to base the rest of the color scheme around yellows and purples to emphasize the light from the... well dark.

This is the cover (above).

and so we begin... (no order and there are more finished... but again it's a sneak peek).

Summer Lalee Girl

My mother and I share an etsy online store called Draconos's Wonders (I'm Draco and she's LaLee). We have personas so that our customers can know who makes what and I'm working on characters for Lalee. Since Lalee sounds like lolli (lollipop) it's going to be based around kids or babies with lollipops (she makes things for babies and children... crocheted blankets, sweaters, etc).

Good Dog Hotdogs and National Hotdog Day

As people know... my day job is as a graphic designer at a promotional merchandiser. We have two major clients (Millercoors and Crown) but we do local business as well. One of my co-workers family members became a recent client for "local business" and she wanted buttons to celebrate Nation Hotdog Day which is this Friday. She didn't have a logo already so I got to go all out. Hehehe! So I made this guy lol. She was so happy with it that she is making him the permanent logo for Good Dog. I'm not a hotdog eater but I think he 's cute so I posted him.